¡Nastya mi Printsessa!¡Mi querido amor de todos mis pensamientos ¡:Nun Traducción - ¡Nastya mi Printsessa!¡Mi querido amor de todos mis pensamientos ¡:Nun inglés cómo decir

¡Nastya mi Printsessa!¡Mi querido a

¡Nastya mi Printsessa!
¡Mi querido amor de todos mis pensamientos ¡:
Nunca sé cómo empezar nuestras cartas de amor, por eso empiezo con lo primero que me inspiras, aquello en lo que me haces pensar, en los recuerdos que ya has alojado en mí y que ya son nuestros.
Ya nada es mío, ahora junto a ti todo es nuestro.
Pienso en este amor de silencio, que nos encontró caminando en ciudades distintas, en cielos distantes... nunca supimos por dónde buscarnos y sin embargo llegamos a encontrarnos.
Hace tiempo que te vi llegar a mi vida, desde entonces fueron muchos los momentos largos y difíciles que hemos pasado, demasiados, tanto que sólo tú y yo lo sabemos.
Muchas han sido las veces en que parecemos dudar de tan grande amor, pues la distancia se empeñaba en hacernos dudar; hoy tengo la certeza de que estamos cerca, una cercanía que nosotros comprendemos aun cuando seguimos separados.
Siempre he confiado en ti, siempre supe que necesitaba tu dulzura en mi vida, supe que no la encontraría en otra mujer, sólo en ti.
Ahora tendré que esperar una nueva estación para que libere nuestras esperanzas, todo tendrá que suavizarse para que por fin superemos las distancias.
Pienso en tu amor que quiero para siempre, ese amor que siempre me trae aromas de todos los tiempos, amor con aroma de ti, un amor bello del que hablo en todas las cartas que llegan a ti. Estamos juntos desde entonces, desde nuestras primeras cartas, y pronto vendrá el tiempo de estar juntos al fin.
Aguardo la llegada de ese día, el de nuestro beso recíproco el de nuestro encuentro sin pensar si dominamos el idioma o no, porque lo que nos une son nuestros sentimientos, nuestro amor, que sentimos el uno para el otro
Pronto llegará la hora de contarnos todas nuestras cosas intimas cara a cara, y desde luego siempre estarán presentes nuestras cartas, que fue el medio por el cual nosotros conocemos nuestros sentimientos tú de mí y yo de ti.
Estas cartas son testigo que te amo desde siempre, que te espero desde siempre, que te extraño en frías noches, y en mañanas soleadas también.
Y dirán de la misma manera que me extrañabas, cuando indicabas que te sentías sola en tu cama, pero ya no estarás sola, estaré ahí para abrazarte, para verme en tus ojos, para dejar que transcurra el tiempo sin agobiarnos, que nuestros instantes sean largos, pero muy largos, para poder decir,
Te Amo, casi al unísono y así medio dormidos y con el mismo tono, con la misma voz, con la misma mirada.
Sólo tú serás la bendición de mi vida, porque una noche cuando yo no soñaba nada bello o yo no recordaba lo soñado… soñé con tu cuerpo, con tu cara, soñé que me mirabas de forma distinta.
Entonces fue cuando comprendí...que ya no tenía mundo...que tú y yo tenemos "nuestro propio mundo", nuestro propio espacio íntimo.
Que ya no tenía Dios...ahora tenía “nuestro Dios”, que ya no tenía amor, ahora tenía “nuestro Amor”, que por ti ya no tenía sueños, ahora tenía “nuestros sueños”, todos nuestros ideales eran cómplices, lo son desde entonces, eres mi amada y mi compañera de vida irremplazable, en este mundo.
No quiero perderte nunca, no quiero tenerte lejos nunca más.
Ahora mi amor solamente me queda tener paciencia y confiar en ti, para que termine esta espera, y darle el tiempo a las cosas, dejar que todo suceda, que todo fluya, porque sé que no estaremos separados toda la vida mi amor.
Es por eso que hoy te pido mi amor que me ayudes a no desesperarme, a no entristecerme, a no pensar que al final del camino no estés conmigo, Nastya ayúdame…ayúdame…. porque estoy consciente que todavía nuestra obra aún no ha terminado mi amor.
El tiempo sigue transcurriendo, desde que nuestro amor nació para quedarse en nosotros.
Ya nada es igual, hoy más que nunca sé que lo nuestro será siempre un amor total, de esos que sólo lo pueden leer o ver en cines, porque lo nuestro es un amor de telenovela en el cual tendrá un final inmensamente feliz.
Hasta siempre mi amor, porque sé que tú siempre piensas en mí y por tal motivo te siento más cerca que nunca...

Siempre tuyo,
Siempre mía
Siempre nuestro
Ya lyublyu tebya vsey dushoy
Miguel Ángel
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Resultados (inglés) 1: [Dupdo]
Nastya my Printsessa!My dear love of all my thoughts:!!I never know how to start our letters of love, so I start with the first thing that inspire me, that in what you make me think of memories who have already stayed in me and are already our.Now nothing is mine, now next to you all is our.I believe in this love of silence, which found us walking in different cities, in distant heaven... never knew where to find us and however came to find us.Long ago I saw you reach my life since then were many times long and difficult that you have gone, too, so much so that only you and I we know it.Many have been the times that seem to doubt so great love, because the distance insisted on making us doubt; today have the certainty of that are close, a closeness that we understand even when continue separate.I have always trusted in you, I always knew that you needed your sweetness in my life, I knew that he would not find it in another woman, just in you. Now will have that wait a new station to release our hopes, all will have that smooth is to finally overcome the distances. I think of your love I want forever, that love which always brings me scents of all time, with aroma you love, a beautiful love that I speak in all letters coming to you. We are together since then, since our first letters, and soon will come the time of being together at the end.I look forward to the arrival of that day, of our reciprocal kiss of our meeting without thinking if we master the language or not, because what unites us are our feelings, our love, we feel for the otherWill soon be time to tell us about all our things intimate face to face, and of course will always be present our charts, which was the means by which we you me and I you know our feelings. These cards are witness that I love you forever, I hope forever, that I miss in cold nights and mornings also sunny.And say in the same way that I extrañabas, when you indicabas that you felt alone in your bed, but you'll not be alone, I'll be there to hold you, to see me in your eyes to leave time without overwhelm us, that our moments are long, but very long, to be able to say,Te Amo, almost in unison, and so half asleep and with the same tone, with the same voice, with the same look.Only you will be the blessing of my life, because a night when I not dreamed anything beautiful or I not remembered it sounded... dreamed with your body, with your face, dreamed that I looked at of form different.It was then when I realized... that I had no world... you and I have our "own world", our own private space.That already not had God... now had "our God", who had no love, had now "our love", that you had dreams, had now "our dreams", all our ideals were complicit, since then they are, you are my beloved, and my colleague's irreplaceable life in this world.I don't want to lose you never, I will not have you far never more.Now my love only patience and trust in you, to end this waiting, and give time to things, to let it all happen, everything to flow, because I know that we will not be separated life is to me my love.That's why today I ask my love to help me not to despair, not grieve me, not to think that the end of the road you're not with me, Nastya help me... help me... because I am aware that yet our work is not over yet my love.Time is still running, since our love was born to be in us.Now nothing is the same, today more than ever I know that ours is always a total love, those that only it can read or see in cinemas, because ours is a love of soap opera in which will have an immensely happy ending.To always my love, because I know that you always think in me and by such reason you feel more closely that never...Always yours, Always mine Always ourAlready lyublyu tebya vsey dushoyMiguel Angel
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Resultados (inglés) 2:[Dupdo]
Nastya my Printsessa!
My dear love all my thoughts: I
never know how to start our love letters, so I start with the first thing you inspire me, that what I do think, in the memories you've stayed in me and they are ours.
nothing is mine, now with you all is ours.
I think of this love of silence, he found us walking in different cities, in distant skies ... we never knew where to find us and yet we to find us .
Some time ago I saw you come into my life, since there were many long and difficult time we had, too, so that only you and I know.
There have been many times when we seem to doubt such great love because the distance was determined to make us doubt; Today I have the certainty that we are close, a closeness that we understand even though we still separated.
've always trusted you, I always knew I needed your sweetness in my life, I knew I would not find another woman, only you.
Now I have I expect a new station to release our hopes, everything will be softened to finally overcome the distances.
I think of your love I love you forever, that love always brings aromas of all time, love scented you, a beautiful love of which I speak all the letters that come to you. We are together ever since, from our first letters, and soon the time together to end will come. I
await the arrival of that day, our mutual kiss of our meeting without thinking if we master the language or not, because what we joins are our feelings, our love, we feel for each other
Soon it will be time to tell all our intimate things face to face, and certainly our letters, which was the means by which we know our feelings are always present you me and you.
These letters are witness to love you forever, I hope you forever, I miss you on cold nights and sunny also morning.
and they will say in the same way that you missed me, when you indicabas you felt alone in your bed, but no longer be alone, I'll be there to hold you , to see me in your eyes, to let time elapses without overwhelm us , that our moments are long, very long, to say
I Love you, almost in unison and so half asleep and in the same tone, with the same voice, with the same look.
Only you will be the blessing of my life, because one night when I did not dream anything beautiful or I could not remember the dream ... I dreamed about you body, your face, I dreamed that I looked at differently.
that's when I realized ... that I had no world ... that you and I have "our own world", our own intimate space.
they no longer had God ... now had "our God", he no longer had love, now had "our love", that you no longer had dreams, now had "our dreams", all our ideals were accomplices are since then, you are my beloved and my companion irreplaceable life in this world.
I never want to lose, do not want you away anymore.
Now my love me only is patience and trust you, to end this waiting, and give time to the things, let it all happen, everything flow, because I know that we are not separate life my love.
that's why today I ask my love to help me not to despair, not to be sad, to not think that at the end of road're not with me, help me ... help me ... Nastya. because I am aware that yet our work is not over yet my love.
The time continues to run, since our love was born to stay in us.
Nothing is the same, today more than ever I know that ours will always be a total love, of those that they can only read or see in cinemas, because ours is a love of soap opera which will immensely happy ending.
Farewell my love, because I know you always think of me and for that reason feel you closer than ever ...

always yours,
always mine
always our
Ya lyublyu tebya vsey dushoy
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Resultados (inglés) 3:[Dupdo]
My printsessa Nastya!My Dear Love of All My Thoughts:I never know how to start our love letters, so I start with the first thing that inspire me, what do you think, in the Memories you"ve stayed in me and you are our.Nothing is mine, now it is our next to you.I think this love of Silence, we found walking in different cities, in Distant Skies... We never knew where to find us and yet we meet.A long time ago that I saw you come in my life, since then, many were long and difficult moments that we have spent too many, only you and I know.Many have been the times in which we seem to doubt that Big Love, as the distance was determined to make us doubt; Today I have the certainty that we are near, a closeness that we understand even when we are apart.I"ve always trusted you, I always knew that I needed you in my life, I knew I couldn"t find another woman, only with you.Now I have to wait for a New Station to release our Hopes, All will have to Be Relaxed in order to bridge the gaps.I think that I Love You Forever, the love that I always brings aromas of All Time, With Scent Of Love You, a beautiful love that I"m all Letters to you. We"ve been together ever since, from our initial letters, and Soon it will be time to be together at last.I await the arrival of that day, Our Mutual Kiss The of our meeting without thinking whether or not fluent in the language, because it Unites Us Are Our feelings, our love we feel for each other.The Time will come soon to Tell all our intimate things face to Face, and since then our letters will always be present, which was the means by which we know our Feelings you in me and I in you.These letters are witness that I Love You Forever, I hope you always Miss You In Cold nights and sunny mornings, too.And say in the same way that you love me, when indicabas you felt alone in your bed, but you won"t be alone, I"ll be there to hold you, to see me in your eyes, let time no fret, our moments are long, but long to say,I Love You, almost In Unison and Half Asleep in the same Tone, with the same Voice, with the same look.Only You"ll be the Blessing Of My Life, because one night when I dreamed nothing Beautiful or I Don"t remember what I dreamt dreamed... With your body, your face, I looked at me differently.It was then when I realized that I have world that you and I have a World of our own ", our own private space.I had no God was now "Our God", that he had no love, I now had "Our Love", because you already had no Dreams, now was "Our Dreams", All our ideals were accomplices, since you are my beloved, My Life partner and Irreplaceable, in this world.I Don"t want to lose you, I Don"t want you away anymore.Now my love I can only have patience and Trust You, is expected to End, and give him the time to things, let it all Happen, everything flows, because I know that we will not be separated Forever My Love.That is why Today I ask you to help me my love not desperate, not Sad, not to think that at the end of the road you"re not with me, help me... Help me... Nastya Because I am aware that our work is not yet finished, My Love.Time Goes By, our love was born to stay in US.Nothing is equal, today more than ever, know that you will always be a total Love, those that can only be read or see in Movies, because our love is a Soap Opera which will end on a very happy.So long, My Love, because I know that you always Think About me and therefore I feel Closer Than Ever.Forever Yours,Always MineAlways ourI lyublyu Tebya vsey dushoyMiguel Angel
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