Puentes es un buen lugar para que los adolescentes vivan . En primer l Traducción - Puentes es un buen lugar para que los adolescentes vivan . En primer l inglés cómo decir

Puentes es un buen lugar para que l

Puentes es un buen lugar para que los adolescentes vivan . En primer lugar , podemos realizar estudios hasta los 18 años , en el Instituto , donde no sólo asisten alumnos de nuestra población sino también de las poblaciones vecinas también hay establecimientos de ocio que hacen que la relación y diversión entre nosotros se consolide.
Entre estos hay unas piscinas, gimnasio , polideportivo , campo de fútbol y sala de fiestas que permiten realizar actividades extraescolares , lo que nos permite relacionarnos fuera del ámbito escolar . Uno de los rasgos diferenciadores de Puentes entre estas actividades es el club Náutico Mig Segre de piraguas que permite desarrollar esta actividad no sólo a los jóvenes de nuestra población sino a los de las poblaciones vecinas que aumenta la posibilidad de establecer amistad con ellos . En la sala de fiestas se organizan actos festivos organizados por el Ayuntamiento o por nosotros mismos lo que supone el lugar de mayor disfrute para los adolescentes .
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Resultados (inglés) 1: [Dupdo]
bridges is a good place for teens to live. First, we can conduct studies to 18 years, in high school, where not only assist students in our population, but also from neighboring populations there are also leisure facilities that make the relationship and fun between us is consolidated.
between these There are pools, gym, sports,football field and village hall that allow extracurricular activities, allowing us to relate outside school.one of the distinguishing features of bridges between these activities is the Yacht Club Canoe mig segre which to develop this activity not only our young people but to those of neighboring populations increases the possibility of friendship with them.in the party room festivities organized by the council or by ourselves which is the place of enjoyment for teenagers organized.
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Resultados (inglés) 2:[Dupdo]
Bridges is a good place for adolescents to experience . In the first place, we can perform studies until the age of 18 , in the Institute, where not only attended by pupils from our population but also in neighboring populations there is also entertainment establishments that make the relationship and fun among us will consolidate.
between these swimming pools, fitness center, sports center,Football field and elegant ballroom that allow you to perform extra-curricular activities, allowing us to interact outside of the school .One of the distinguishing characteristics of bridges between these activities is the Yacht club Mig Segre dugouts that enables you to develop this activity not only to the young people of our population but to the neighboring populations that increases the possibility of establishing friendship with them .In the room of the fiestas are organize festive events organized by the Town Hall or by ourselves which means the place of greater enjoyment for adolescents .
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