I uploaded recent pics here... http://imgur.com/a/NSDaqhola amanda que Traducción - I uploaded recent pics here... http://imgur.com/a/NSDaqhola amanda que inglés cómo decir

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I uploaded recent pics here... http://imgur.com/a/NSDaq
hola amanda quetal ? me llamo dino y soy italiano y resido en españa desde hace 35 años y soy del 48 he visto tu solicitud en el skipe y te he madado l'autorizazion seguro que las receviste. dices que eres de miami bonita ciudad segun me an dicho nuestra ciudad tambie lo es. chateas cuando quieras luego buscare`la forma de endenderte.un saludo para ti

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Resultados (inglés) 1: [Dupdo]
I uploaded recent pics here... http://imgur.com/a/NSDaqHello amanda cant? my name is dino and I'm Italian and I live in Spain for 35 years and am 48 I have seen your request in the Skype and you've madado l'autorizazion sure that the receviste. you say that you are beautiful Miami City according to me that our city also is it. you chat when you want then I will look ' the shape of endenderte.un greeting to you
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Resultados (inglés) 2:[Dupdo]
I uploaded http://imgur.com/a/NSDaq recent pics here ...
hello amanda quetal? My name is Dino and I'm Italian and I live in Spain for 35 years and I am 48 I saw your request in the skipe and I have Madado l'autorizazion sure that receviste. You say you're beautiful city of miami according me an tambie that our city is. chatting anytime after endenderte.un buscare`la form of greeting for you

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Resultados (inglés) 3:[Dupdo]
I uploaded recent pics here... Http: / / / / nsdaq imgur.com
Hi Amanda what IFS? My name is Dino and I'm Italian and I live in Spain for 35 years and I've seen your request in the 48 Skype i Madado l 'autorizazion sure receviste. You're beautiful city of Miami as I said an our city also is. Chatting when you then find ` the shape of endenderte.A greeting for you

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