hola cariño ! Yeeeeaaaah !!! Es real yo también lo extraño ; como tu.  Traducción - hola cariño ! Yeeeeaaaah !!! Es real yo también lo extraño ; como tu.  inglés cómo decir

hola cariño ! Yeeeeaaaah !!! Es rea

hola cariño ! Yeeeeaaaah !!! Es real yo también lo extraño ; como tu. Es mucho tiempo que no tenemos momentos de romance.
Tu con tus viajes de entrenamiento , y la rutina propia. Y yo con muchos tramites y exámenes; porque no trabajo en horarios fijos.
La pasión, es el combustible que no debe faltar jamas... en cualquier lugar y tiempo. Porque la pasión es que mantiene la llama del amor encendida.
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Resultados (inglés) 1: [Dupdo]
Hi dear! Yeeeeaaaah! It is real I also miss him; like you. It is a long time that we don't have moments of romance.Your with your travel for training, and the routine itself. And I with many procedures and examinations; because I don't work at fixed times. The passion is the fuel that should not miss ever... at any place and time. Because the passion is that keeps the calls of the love on.
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Resultados (inglés) 2:[Dupdo]
Hi dear ! Yeeeeaaaah !!! Is real I miss him too; like you. It 's a long time since we have moments of romance.
You travel with your training, and own routine. And with many procedures and tests; because they work at fixed times.
Passion is the fuel that should not miss ever ... anywhere and time. Because passion is keeping the flame of love burning.
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Resultados (inglés) 3:[Dupdo]
Hi, Honey! Yeeeeaaaah! !! It is real I miss him, too, like you. Is a long time that we don"t have Moments of romance.You With Your Training trips, and Routine. And I with many procedures and Examinations; because no fixed working hours.Passion is the fuel that must not miss ever... In any place and time. Because passion is that keeps the Flame of Love burning.
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