¡Mi Dama de Rojo! NastyaGracias mi amor por contestarme me sentía perd Traducción - ¡Mi Dama de Rojo! NastyaGracias mi amor por contestarme me sentía perd inglés cómo decir

¡Mi Dama de Rojo! NastyaGracias mi

¡Mi Dama de Rojo! Nastya
Gracias mi amor por contestarme me sentía perdido sin rumbo me has acostumbrado a ti no sé cómo decirte lo que siento por ti y confío que me ayudes con tus acciones que tienes conmigo simplemente por expresar lo que sientes por mí y me ayudes a decirte todo lo que siento por ti por mi Nastya, por mi Dama de Rojo.
Nastya tú te incrustaste en mi vida y la transformaste de una forma que nunca hubiera imaginado.
Porque nunca antes había sentido esta intensidad de amor, esta locura que me hace necesitarte como a nadie.
Apenas puedo creerme lo afortunado que soy de haberte encontrado, justo en el momento oportuno, cuando ya creía que no había ninguna mujer en este mundo destinada para mí, cuando ya había renunciado al amor verdadero y a compartir mi vida con una compañera de viaje a la cual amar por encima de todo.
Porque te amo por encima de todo, porque tú me haces sentirme como un adolecente capaz de cualquier cosa por ti y porque creo que te mereces todo mi amor y todo mi respeto.
Por eso voy a intentar con todas mis fuerzas que permanezcas a mi lado, queriéndome y queriéndote como hasta ahora, compartiendo amor, risas y planes.
Y tengo la plena convicción por lo que siento por ti de prometerte siempre mi fidelidad, porque cundo cruce al otro lado del mundo para estar contigo estaré rendido vulnerable ante ti, ante tu sonrisa, ante tu mirada, ante tu piel, ante tus sentimientos de mujer, ante tu aroma cuando terminemos de hacer el amor, rendido, ante todo.
Y quedare desarmado sin ninguna intensión de moverme de tu lado, porque solo tu me generas este sentimiento de amor.
Nastya Nadie como Tu
Te Amo
Miguel Ángel
P.D.: Mi amor hagamos un trato ambos, por nuestras actividades de trabajo y de cambio de horarios de nuestros países de ambos hay veces que no podremos escribirnos, y por el momento ya sabemos que no podemos vernos y tampoco llamarnos……pero siempre estaremos pensándonos tú en mí y yo en ti.
Mi amor no me enviaste tu dirección para poderte enviar la sorpresa que tengo para ti.
Y me dio gusto que te gustaran los videos de música que te pedí que vieras y te hicieran sentir junto con mis cartas tanta emoción y sobre todo ya puedas dar sentido al decirte que eres mi Dama de Rojo.
Indicaste que querías oír la voz de mi corazón con respecto a la música, también indicaste que se puede decir mucho de una persona por la elección de las canciones, espero haber superado tus expectativas, y me gustaría que tuviéramos una canción especial para nosotros, me gustaría que fuera (Lady of Red) tu qué opinas.
Y espero que tengas un buen día en tu trabajo, y sobre todo que estés lo más arreglada posible, pensando que lo haces para mí.

Nastya me enamoro cada vez mas de ti.
Miguel Ángel
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Resultados (inglés) 1: [Dupdo]
My lady in red! NastyaThanks my love by reply me I felt lost without heading me has accustomed to you not know how tell you what feel by you and trust that I help with your actions that have with me simply by express what feel by me and I help to tell you all what feel by you by my Nastya, by my lady of red.Nastya you you incrustaste in my life and the transform of a form that never would have imagined.Because never before had felt this intensity of love, this madness that I does need you as to nobody.Just can believe me it lucky that am of have you found, just in the time appropriate, when already believed that not had any woman in this world destined for me, when already had waived to the love real and to share my life with a companion of travel to which love above all.Because I love you above all, because you make me feel like a teenager capable of anything for you and I think that you deserve all my love and all my respect.So I'm going to try with all my might that you stay beside me, wanting me and love you as so far, sharing love, laughter and plans.And I have the full conviction so feel for you you always promise my faithfulness, because when crossing to the other side of the world to be with you will be rendered vulnerable before you, before your smile, before your eyes, before your skin, before your feelings of woman, before your scent when we finish making love, yielded, first and foremost.And will stay unarmed without any intension of move me from your side, because only your I generate this feeling of love.Nastya anyone as yourI love youMiguel AngelPS: My love let's make one deal both for our work and change of schedules of our countries of both activities there are times that we do not write, and for the moment we know that we cannot see ourselves and not call us... but we are always thinking of us you in me and I in you. My love not sent me your address to send you the surprise I have for you.And I was happy that you liked the music videos that I asked that you saw and did you feel all the excitement along with my letters and mostly already you can give meaning to tell you that you're my lady in red. Entered that wanted hear the voice of my heart with regard to it music, also entered that is can tell much of a person by the choice of them songs, hope have exceeded your expectations, and me would like to that had a song special for us, I would like to that outside (Lady of network) your what think.And hope you have a good day at work, and above all are more fixed possible, thinking that you do it for me.Nastya I fall in love every time more than you.Miguel Angel
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Resultados (inglés) 2:[Dupdo]
My Lady in Red! Nastya
Thank you my love for answering felt lost me aimlessly've gotten used to you do not know how to tell you what I feel for you and I trust you to help me with your actions you have me simply to express what you feel for me and help me to tell you all I feel for you my Nastya, my Lady in Red.
Nastya you incrustaste you in my life and transformed it in a way that would never have imagined.
Because never before had felt this intensity of love, madness that makes me need you as anyone.
I can hardly believe how lucky I am to have found, at just the right moment, when I thought that there was no woman in this world destined for me, when I had given up true love and share my life with a partner journey which love above all.
because I love you above all, because you make me feel like a teenager would do anything for you and because I think you deserve all my love and all my respect.
Therefore I will try my forces you to stay beside me, loving me and loving you as before, sharing love, laughter and plans.
and I fully believe what I feel for you always promise my faithfulness, because I Cundo crossing across the world to be with you I will be rendered vulnerable to you, to your smile, before your eyes, to skin, to your feelings of a woman, before your scent when we finish making love, rendered, first of all.
And'll stay disarmed without any intention of moving on your side, for you alone I generate this feeling of love.
Nastya Nadie Como Tu
I love you
Miguel Angel
PS: My love make a deal both for our work activities and schedule changes in our countries of both sometimes not we can write, and for the moment we know that we can not see nor call ...... but we will always be thinking of ourselves you in me and I in you.
My love did not send me your address to poderte send surprise I have for you.
and he gave me like you liked music videos I asked you saw and you do feel with my letters so much emotion and everything and can give meaning to tell you you're my Lady in Red. you
indicated you wanted to hear the voice of my heart with regard music, also indicated that you can tell a lot about a person by choosing the songs, I hope to have exceeded your expectations, and I wish we had a special song for us, I wish it were (Lady of Red) what do you think .
and I hope you have a good day at work, and above all arranged as possible're thinking that you do for me.

Nastya I fall more and more of you.
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Resultados (inglés) 3:[Dupdo]
My Lady In Red! NastyaThank you my love for me, I felt Lost aimlessly I"ve gotten used to you don"t know how to say what I feel for you and I hope you can help me with your actions that you have me simply to express what you feel for me, and help me to tell you all I feel for you in my Mind, My Lady in red.You incrustaste Nastya and transformed My Life in a way I never could have imagined.Because never before had this intensity of Love, this Madness that makes me need you like anyone.I can hardly believe how lucky I am to have found you, just in time, when I thought that there were no Women in this world for me, when I"d given up the true love and share my life with a Companion to Love Above All.Above All Because I Love You, because you make me feel like a teenager can do anything for you, because I think you deserve All My Love and all my respect.That"s why I"m going to try with all my Strength that you stay beside me, Love Me and love you as now, sharing Love, Laughter and plans.And I am convinced by what I Feel For You promise always my Fidelity, because when Crossing to the other side of the world to be with you be rendered vulnerable in front of you, with your smile in your eyes, in your skin, in your feelings to Your Scent Of Woman, when we make love, Surrender, First of all.And I shall be disarmed without any intent to Move your hand, because only you generate this feeling of Love.Nastya Nobody Like YouI Love YouMiguel AngelP.S. My Love Let"s make a Deal, both for our work activities and time change of both of our countries there are times that we will not be able to write, and for the moment, we know that we can"t see or call us...... but we"re always pensándonos you in me and I in you.My Love never sent me your address so I can send the surprise I have for you.And glad that you like the music videos that I asked You and make you feel so much Emotion with my letters, and I can give meaning to tell you that you are my lady in red.You stated that you wanted to hear the Voice of my heart with respect to music, also said that you can tell a lot about a person by the choice of Songs, hope to have surpassed expectations, and I"d like to have a special song for us, I would like to be (Lady of red) what do You Think.And I hope you have a good day at Work, and above all you"re dressed up as possible, thinking that you do for me.Nastya, I Love You More each time.Miguel Angel
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