¡Nastya mi Amor!Tienes razón desde que te conocí, todo lo anterior en  Traducción - ¡Nastya mi Amor!Tienes razón desde que te conocí, todo lo anterior en  inglés cómo decir

¡Nastya mi Amor!Tienes razón desde

¡Nastya mi Amor!
Tienes razón desde que te conocí, todo lo anterior en mi vida emocional haya sido bueno o malo fue erradicado de mi vida porque tú eres una mujer diferente, una mujer especial una mujer única que transformo mi forma de ser porque tú me has dado la confianza de poder expresar lo que siento en todos los temas que has querido que tratemos todavía recuerdo lo que indicaste en tu perfil, la felicidad se esconde en la comodidad de la familia.
La familia se queda con uno no importando lo que pase, el dinero y moda distancian a la familia.
Te pongo como ejemplo a ti, lo que me comentas que este fin de semana tus padres están contigo y detectaron que querías decirles algo, es porque se preocupan por ti, y estoy de acuerdo contigo ellos siempre se preocupan por nosotros a cualquier edad que tengamos, y sobre todo me da gusto que tú tienes todavía respeto por tus padres por las decisiones que tomas no importando que seas una mujer independiente tienes consideraciones con ellos, te das cuenta porque me sigo enamorando de ti y yo también me doy cuenta que esos valores los adquiriste de tus padres por haber formado a una gran mujer felicidades.
Porque en otras partes del mundo incluyendo el mío la gran mayoría de las mujeres no tienen valores de familia por ser independientes, a esta forma de vida la consideran anticuada y fuera de moda.
Con respecto a lo que me comentas si hiciste lo correcto del comentarles tan solo una parte de nuestra relación de pareja, pienso que actuaste sensatamente porque posiblemente más adelante tu mama por ser mujer te comience a realizar preguntas más concretas sobre mí y tengas la oportunidad de explicarle nuestra relación y te comprenda porque determinaste tener una relación formal con una persona extranjera, hiciste lo correcto no te sientas mal y no tengas miedo no estás haciendo nada malo, tan solo ponte en las manos de Dios pidiendo que te de las palabras adecuadas para que tus padres te entiendan.
Amor mío, en momentos como éste lo que más deseo es estar contigo, para acariciarte, abrazarte, besarte y poder reconfortarte, pero sé que Dios está con nosotros no te preocupes, piensa que todo saldrá bien.
Nastya Mi Dama de Rojo, Te Amo
Miguel Ángel
P.D.: Mi amor tienes razón con respecto a enviarte lo que siento cuando pienso en ti durante el transcurso del día para que te sientas la mujer más amada del mundo y yo me sentiré feliz por darte esta satisfacción.
Y el día de mañana me dedicare a solicitar nuevamente a la agencia matrimonial tus datos para que nuestra comunicación sea más fluida y más directa.
Dios está en todos los detalles y tú eres uno de ellos
Miguel Ángel
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Resultados (inglés) 1: [Dupdo]
Nastya my love!You're right since I met, all of the above in my emotional life has been good or bad was eradicated from my life because you're a different woman, a special woman a unique woman who transformed my way of being because you have given me the confidence to express what I feel all the topics you've wanted us to try to still remember what you entered in your profile , the happiness is hiding in the comfort of the family.The family is left with one not importing what pass, the money and fashion distance to the family.I'll give you as an example to you, what tells me that this weekend, your parents are with you and detected that you wanted to say something, it's because they care about you, and I'm agree with you they always worry us at any age that we have, and above all I'm glad that you have still respect for your parents by the decisions you make no matter that you're an independent woman have considerations with them , you das has because I still falling in love of you and I also I give has that those values them purchased from your parents by have formed to a great woman congratulations.Because in other parts of the world including my own the vast majority of women have no family to be independent values, to this way of life she is considered outdated and unfashionable.With regard to what I said if you did right from the tell only a part of our relationship, I think you acted wisely because possibly later your mother by being a woman you begin to ask more specific questions about me and you have the opportunity to explain our relationship and you understand because you choice to have a formal relationship with a foreign penfriend , did it correct not you feel bad and not have fear not are doing nothing bad, so only put you in the hands of Dios asking that you of them words appropriate to your parents you understand. Love mine, in moments as this what more wish is be with you, to caress you, embrace you, kiss you and to comfort you, but I know that Dios is with us not you worry, thinks that all will come out well.Nastya my lady in red, Te AmoMiguel AngelPS: My love you're right with regard to send you what I feel when I think about you during the course of the day so that you feel the most loved woman in the world and I feel happy to give you this satisfaction.And tomorrow I dedicate to request again the matrimonial agency your data so that our communication is more fluid and more direct.God is in the details and you're one of themMiguel Angel
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Resultados (inglés) 2:[Dupdo]
Nastya my love!
You're right since I met you, all this in my emotional life has been good or bad was eradicated from my life because you're a different woman, a special woman a unique woman who transformed my way of being because you you have given me the confidence to express what I feel on every issue that you wanted to try still remember what you indicated in your profile, lurks in the comfort of the family.
the family stays with you no matter what pass, money and fashion alienate the family.
I'll put as an example to you, what you mention me this weekend your parents are with you and detected you wanted to say something, it is because they care about you, and I agree with you they always care about us at any age we have, and especially I'm glad you you still have respect for your parents for the choices you make no matter you are an independent woman have considerations with them, you realize that I'm falling in love you and I also realize that those values ​​you acquired from your parents for having trained a great woman congratulations.
Because in other parts of the world including mine the vast majority of women do not have family values ​​to be independent, to this way of life they consider outdated and unfashionable.
with respect to what I you comment if you did the right thing the tell you only part of our relationship, I think you acted wisely because possibly later your breast as a woman you start to make more concrete about me questions and have the opportunity to explain our relationship and I understand that you determined to have a formal relationship with a foreign person, did the right thing not feel bad and do not be afraid you're not doing anything wrong, just please God's hands asking you the right tools to make your parents understand you words.
my love, at times like this what I want most is to be with you, to touch you , hug you , kiss you and to comfort you , but I know God is with us do not worry, think that everything will be fine.
Nastya My Lady in Red, I love you
Miguel Angel
PS: My love're right about sending you what I feel when I think about you during the course of the day to make you feel the most loved woman the world and I feel happy to give this satisfaction.
and tomorrow I dedicate to reapply to the marriage bureau your data to make our communication more fluid and more direct.
God is in the details and you are one of they
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Resultados (inglés) 3:[Dupdo]
Hello My Love!You"re right, since I met you, everything in my emotional life has been good or bad was eradicated in my life because you are a woman, a woman a woman only transformed My Way of being, because you gave me the confidence to express what you feel in all the topics that you wanted we still remember what you wrote in your Profile, Happiness lies in the comfort of the family.The Family stays with you no matter what happens, the money and Fashion from the family.I put as example to you, what you said this weekend with you and your parents are detected that you wanted to say something, it is because they Care About You, and I agree with you, they always Care About us at any age that we, and especially glad that you have respect for your parents for the decisions You make, no matter be an independent woman with whom you have concerns, you realize why I Keep Falling In Love With You and I realize those values you purchased your parents have formed a great Woman, Congratulations.Because in other parts of the World, including my own, the vast majority of women do not have Family values to be independent, this way of Life as outdated and old-fashioned.With regard to what you said if you did the right thing about the only part of our relationship, I think you acted Wisely because possibly below your breast as you begin to make more specific questions about me and have the opportunity to explain our relationship and I understand because you determined to have a formal relationship with a Foreign person, You did the right thing, Don"t feel bad, and don"t be afraid, you are not doing anything wrong, just put in the hands of God asking you the right words to your parents understand you.My Love, in Times Like This My Wish is to be with you, caress you, Kiss You and hug you, to comfort you, but I know that God is with us, do not worry, think that everything will be fine.Nastya My Lady In Red, I Love YouMiguel AngelPS: My Love You"re right about sending you what I feel when I think about you during the day so that you feel the most Beloved woman in the World, and I"d be happy to give you the satisfaction.And tomorrow I will re apply to matrimonial Agency Your Data to our Communication more smooth and more direct.God is in the details and you are one of themMiguel Angel
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