Hacer las tareas del hogar es sólo una parte de la vida que la mayoría Traducción - Hacer las tareas del hogar es sólo una parte de la vida que la mayoría inglés cómo decir

Hacer las tareas del hogar es sólo

Hacer las tareas del hogar es sólo una parte de la vida que la mayoría de las personas no disfrutan, pero tenemos que hacerlas.
Yo hago la mayoría de las tareas del hogar en mi casa, yo pienso que como la mayoría de las mujeres. Las mujeres gastamos demasiado de nuestro tiempo en hacer las tareas domesticas, entre cuales son limpiar la casa, hacer la colada y después planchar la ropa, hacer la comida. A mi no me importa hacer la comida, pero cocinar todos los días es aburrido para mi, gasto demasiado tiempo en cocinar, cuando este tiempo lo puedo emplear en otras cosas mas interesantes. A mi, claro, que me gusta cocinar pero solo cuando tengo alguna fiesta.
No me importa hacer la colada o planchar, pero hago estas cosas, porque tengo que hacerlas.
Yo odio, por ejemplo lavar los platos, por esto me compre lavavajillas que hace esto por mi.
Hay cosas que me encanta hacerlas, como limpiar la casa, porque después me siento mejor cuando la casa esta mas limpia y todas las cosas en su lugar. También me encanta hacer la compra.
Por ejemplo, esta mañana yo he limpiado la cocina y el baño, he hecho la colada y he preparado la comida. Por la tarde he planchado, he colocado la ropa en su lugar y también he preparado la cena, porque después de las clases de ingles no me da tiempo. Y también he cuidado de mi hijo mas pequeño con todo esto.
Yo hago la mayoría de las tareas en mi familia, porque mi marido trabaja todo el día, y los niños aun son pequeños.
Aun así nosotros discutimos algunas veces sobre las tareas de la casa en mi familia.
Por ejemplo, cuando mi hijo mayor se pone a ver dibujos animados, pero aun no a recogido su habitación. O mi marido olvida algunas veces sacar la basura y tengo que recordarse lo.
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Resultados (inglés) 1: [Dupdo]
do housework is just a part of life that most people do not enjoy, but we have them.
I do most of the chores at home, I think like most women. women spend much of our time to do the housework, among which are clean house, do laundry and iron clothes after,make food. I do not mind doing the food but cooking every day is boring for me, spending too much time cooking, when this time I can spend on other more interesting things. to me, of course, I like to cook but only when I have a party.
I do not mind doing laundry or ironing, but I do these things because I have to do them.
I hate,eg washing dishes, so I bought a dishwasher that does this for me.
There are things I love doing, like cleaning the house, because then I feel better when the house is cleaner and everything in place. I also love shopping.
For example, this morning I cleaned the kitchen and the bathroom, I've done the laundry and meal preparation.afternoon I ironed, I placed the clothes in place and I also made dinner, because after English classes do not have time. and have looked after my little son more with this.
I do most of the tasks in my family because my husband works all day, and children are still small.
yet sometimes we argue about chores in my family.
for example, when my oldest son gets to watch cartoons, but still not picked up your room. or my husband sometimes forgets taking out the trash and I have remembered it.
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Resultados (inglés) 2:[Dupdo]
Do household tasks is only a part of life that most people do not enjoy, but we have to do.
I do most of the tasks of the home in my house, I think that as the majority of women. The women we spend far too much of our time in doing household chores, among which are cleaning the house, doing the washing and ironing clothes after,To make the meal. I don't care to make the meal, but cooking all day is boring to me, spending too much time in cooking, when this time so I can spend on other things more interesting. To me, of course, that I like to cook but only when i have a feast.
I don't care to do the laundry or ironing board, but I do these things, because I have to make them.
I hate,For example washing dishes, by this I bought dishwasher that does this for me.
There are things that I love them, how clean the house, because after i feel better when the house is more clean and all the things in their place. Also i love to make the purchase.
For example, this morning I cleaned the kitchen and the bathroom, I have made the casting and i prepared the food.In the afternoon i ironing, i have placed the clothes in his place and i have also prepared the dinner, because after the classes of english does not give me time. AND i also care for my youngest child with all of this.
I do most of the tasks in my family, because my husband works all day, and the children are still small.
Even so we discuss some times on the tasks of the house in my family.
For example, when my eldest son is watching cartoons, but still not picked up their room. OR my husband forgets sometimes take out the trash and i have to be recalled.
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